Photo courtesy of Michele Crane
It’s an enormous pleasure to report that, with the help of major matching grant assistance from The Massachusetts Cultural Council totaling over $100,000, the White Church is undergoing extensive restoration work.
Blandford Historical Society President Chips Norcross shared details on what is being addressed in the project:
- A thorough prep and three coats of paint on the exterior
- A number of situations in the steeple have required repairs, including the asphalt roof at the level of the phinal-urns which had to be replaced with a copper roof
- The weathervane has undergone structural reconditioning through being copper encased prior to being re-gilded
- All the widow sashes will be removed, 4 at a time, reconditioned, re-glazed and painted
- After finishing the building’s exterior, cracks in the sanctuary will be patched and the interior will receive several coats of paint

Photo courtesy of Michele Crane
All of these improvements will have the Church in grand shape as we prepare for its 200th anniversary in 2022!